Links to Disney
Comics in the Net
NOTE: If you have ideas for new links that you think should be linked
from here (preferably Don Rosa-related or related to Barks or Disney) or
advices about pages that shouldn't be linked from here, please e-mail to
Fan Pages
Don Rosa
- AnkkaMestari / DuckMaster (Kai Saarto, English / Finnish) Introductions, indexes, gallery, non-Disney comics, news...
- D.U.C.K.burg (Thomas Lauritsen, English) Hidden D.U.C.K.s, Mickeys, duckhunt_links_language index and more
- Don Rosa Listan (Benjamin Wiegert, Swedish) Publication Index
- Duckling (Anders Christian Sivebæk, English) Articles about Don Rosa - Different versions of long stories
- DuckMania (Jano Rohleder, English / German) Contains just about everything that a good Don Rosa page needs: introduction, photos, comic-index, comic-news, French and German covers...
- Grosse deutsche Don-Rosa-Fansite: (Arne Voigtmann & Maximilian Baumgart, German) Very nice Don Rosa fansite with a lot of detailed information about Don Rosa, his work and even real world knowledge :o)
- Keno DON ROSA et les DUCKS (Philippe Prunet, French) Photos of Don, gallery, French index of Don's stories.
- KOMIX-page (Apostolis Trikourakis, English / Greek) Page about the greek magazine Komix, which published Don's stories. Articles, info and much more.
- The D.U.C.K. man (Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr., English) Incredibly detailled site that regard facts of Carl Barks and Don Rosa stories as the "truth". Much field search lay behind this place. Sections include: biographies of known and less known characters, the detailled history of Duckburg, a presen
- The Two Worlds of Don Rosa (Anders Christian Sivebæk, English) Different panels in Don Rosa's multipart stories.
- The unofficial Don Rosa Gallery (Geir J. Netland, English) Cover drawings, sketches and other goodies!
Carl Barks
- Andebyguiden - Din guide til Andeby! (Mikael Ånestad, Norwegian) Page about Duckburg
- Ankorama (Erik Bergwall, Magnus Haglund and Björn Norrliden, Swedish) Probably the biggest swedish site on Disney Comics.
- D.O.N.A.L.D.
- DCL Disney Comic Links, Livia (Mads Jensen and Thierry Fernard, English) Links to online comics various places on the web. Both Don Rosa, Carl Barks and others.
- DDS (Carsten Nielsen, English) In February we got a prize as The best Donald Duck page from this page. Many links to Rosa and Barks-pages
- Disney Books (Didier Ghez) Huge index of all Disney related publications, Interviews with Carl Barks, don Rosa & more
- Disney Comics Creators (Per-Erik Malmström) Van Horn, Freddy Milton
- Disney comics Mailing List (Per Starbäck, English)
- Disney Comics Worldwide! (Arthur de Wolf) Everything you need to know about Disney Comic publications!
- Disney FanPage (Alex Görig, German) Info about German disney comics - Barks and Rosa - Italian artists
- Donald Ducks Gallery alter Meister (Renate Seehase, German) Duck Paintings
- Duck quotes (Thomas Zimmerman, German)
- Frank's Walt Disney Comics page (Frank Stajano) Author of books on Rosa and Gottfredson
- Harry's home page (Harry Fluks) Well researched artist indexes
- Jakob's Disney Comics (Jakob Söderbaum) Don Rosa, Carl Barks, Floyd Gottfredson
- Marcobar's comics pages (Marco Barlotti) Information about various aspects of Disney Comics
- OF MICE AND DUCKS (Olivier, English)
- Pekka's Don Rosa Linkpage (Pekka Karjalainen)
- The $crooge's Money Bin! (Katie Sullivan) Tour through the money bin and selfmade art
- the Bolderbast Inducks pages (Harry Fluks) Database page
- The Disney Comics Pages (Per Starbäck) Everything about Disney Comics, Artists & Characters
Official Pages
Don Rosa
- Open Directory Don Rosa websites list (English) The category for Don Rosa webpages in English at the Open Directory (DMOZ)
- The $crooge McDuck Homepage (Dan Shane / Don Rosa, English) Detailed comments from Don Rosa on each single chapter on his "TheTime and Life of scrooge McDuck". Contains Covers, sketches, and b&w pages. A must-see!
- Aku Ankka (Finnish) Homepage of the Finnish "Aku Ankka" magazine
- Anders And & Co. (Danish) Homepage of the Danish "Anders And & Co." magazine
- Bruce Hamilton Co. Gladstone, Another Rainbow & Hamilton Comics
- D.O.N.A.L.D. (German) A German fanorganisation for fans of the Duck family and the world that the Ducks live in. (Deutsche Organisation der Nichtkommerziellen Anhänger des Lauteren Donaldismus)
- Donald Duck & Co. (Norwegian) Homepage of the Norwegian "Donald Duck & Co." magazine
- Dreidreizehn (German / English) A German store with comics and collectibles
- Ehapa Homepage (German) Ehapa is the German publisher of Disney comics
- Gladstone Disney pages
- I.N.D.U.C.K.S. (Søren Krarup Olesen, et al., English) The official main page of the I.N.D.U.C.K.S. project. This is a group of people who have dedicated much of their spare time to indexing every single Disney comic book they can get their hands on.
- I.N.D.U.C.K.S. COA search engine (François Willot, Various languages) The ultimate (neither more nor less) search engine for Disney comics. The COA uses the incredible I.N.D.U.C.K.S. database as source for its searches.
- Kalle Anka & C:o (Swedish) Homepage of the Swedish "Kalle Anka & C:o" magazine
- Micky Maus Homepage (German) Homepage of the German "Micky Maus" magazine
- Seriejournalen (Danish / English)
- Walt Disney Company
(If you know other sites
that are not listet here, please send
me an E-Mail and I will include it here.)
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Webpage by Mike